A Heavenly Sight: Spec's on Smith Street

Sunday, August 4, 2013
One of my family's favorite pictures (re: one they like to torment me mercilessly about) is the one we lovingly refer to as "What Does Heaven Look Like Kimmy?"

Okay, first I'll let you get past the incredible perm/mullet/flock of seagulls situation happening with my hair (Man, the 80s were good to me), hideous tablecloth of a dress, bright red leggings, and the fact that this photo should absolutely be included in "Awkward Family Photos."

Done? Great.

Well, I have an important announcement to make:

24 years later, I am finally able to answer the much asked question "What does heaven look like Kimmy?"

(drum roll please.....)

Spec's on Smith Street.

See at the age of four, I had not yet had the privilege of visiting Spec's, so how was I to know that when I was looking up into Heaven that that was what I was seeing?

But it definitely was.

All of the Spec's locations are awesome and trump any liquor store in NYC in terms of sheer size, quantity of products, variety, and overall value. The midtown one on Smith Street, however, is in a category of it's own.

Because not only does heaven look like that, it also looks like this:

And this:

Yes, Spec's in midtown is essentially an entire grocery store, complete with gourmet meats and cheeses, fresh produce, dry goods, and endless aisles of booze. What's not to love?

Oh, and they also have a phenomenal deli:

After having eaten lunch here the other day with my dad, I cannot recommend the Texas Turkey sandwich enough. It comes on sliced jalapeno cheese bread (OH MY GOD, THAT'S A THING) and consists of sliced turkey, pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, and jalapeno lime mayo sauce. This little sammy has so many layers of different flavors and is a complete joy to eat.

Another good tip. If you're a cheese lover (I mean, how could you NOT be), you have to try this cheese. It's the shiz:

Sottocenere al tartufo. AKA: TRUFFLE CHEESE. Tru. ffle. cheese. Is this real life? 

It can't be.

So if you are looking for a glimpse of heaven, stop by Spec's. Grab a bottle of wine, pick up some fruit, and have a bite at the deli...

Just trust me on this one.


  1. You totally made it to Houston Press with this one! http://blogs.houstonpress.com/eating/2013/08/this_week_in_food_blogs_53.php And yes, Spec's Downtown is Mecca! ;)

    1. I read HP's Eating Our Words daily, so that totally made my day - Thanks @RAMommy!


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